DBase Manager

Manipulate data stored in dBase files using SQL

DBase Manager Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Free
  • Publisher Name:
  • Step Small Business Solutions
  • Operating Systems:
  • Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP
  • File Size:
  • 3.45MB

DBase Manager Tags

DBase Manager Description

You can use DBase Manager to manipulate data stored in dBase files using SQL. Use most of SQL DML commands, and as for the DDL commands you can try create and drop table/index, update, and delete commands. The program does not make a backup copy of tables prior to altering them, so it is in no way responsible for eventual data loss. In the main window there are drive, folder, and file list box used for browsing your hard drive. The file list box is filtered so you can only see the DBF files. By double-clicking an item in the file list box the table is shown in the grid below. Once you have chosen the path by browsing to the table location you can now use the textbox to enter a query and populate the grid with data. A query is executed when you press enter key in the textbox. If a query is invalid you will receive an error message. In the main window there are three buttons visible.

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