
Glyph Font Viewer

There are 4 glyph fonts in Windows: Webdings, Wingdings, Wingdings 2, and Wingdings 3. You can use these glyphs as easy as characters....

267 0.00 KB


Expert Debugger

Expert Debugger is a free easy-to-use tool for debugging PHP scripts. Expert Debugger uses the DBG PHP Debugger and allow to debug scripts via network or on local computer. You can run scripts in step...

271 N/A



Converts HTML pages into standalone, self-running EXE files...

272 2.5 MB



Make your Access, SQL Server, or MySQL database accessible on the Web in minutes....

267 14.0 MB


Case Converter

Allow you to convert any words and even file names within content of files to lower or UPPER case. If you want to convert all file names to lower or UPPER case you no need to enter each name. You need...

269 473.14K



Convert compiled HTML help (.chm) files into ready-to-publish Web pages....

272 1.5 MB



HTMLCompact is a powerful HTML compression tool created for webmasters. Its effective compression algorithm can reduce the size of your pages by as much as 80% while keeping the appearance of the page...

272 976.56K



A tool to prevent your code from being hacked or changed by someone else....

266 1.3 MB


PHP Processor

PHP Processor is designed to help you protect your intellectual property when distributing PHP source files. The other use for PHP Processor is to optimize PHP source code and considerably decrease si...

272 8.75MB



HTML Text Extractor

HTML Text Extractor - Simply extract HTML and Text from any webpage, even protected pages using HTML Text Extractor...

271 469 KB


Strong Contact

Strong Contact - Create PHP-based Contact Forms for your websites with ease!...

270 374.43K


Web Button Menu Maker

MTop Web Button Menu Maker can help web designers to create professional xp, mac, glassy, metallic and colorful web buttons and DHTML pop-up menus in just a few clicks! With MTop Web Button Menu Maker...

269 1228K


Protected Secure Site Area ZDR

"Protected Secure Site Area and File Downloads ZDR" is highly sophisticated password protection and membership/user management system written in PHP. This PHP script allow you to create pass...

270 784 KB


advanced form creator

This advanced web form building solution makes form creation a real pleasure. With just a few clicks you will get a complete and working web form. Just copy the form code to your web page and get form...

271 238.89 KB


Adivo TechWriter for Websites

TechWriter for Websites is a documentation generator for websites that leverages the information locked inside your web pages to automatically produce website documentation. ... Produce Automated Webs...

267 5.37 MB


Video LightBox JS for MAC

Video LightBox JS for MAC is a free wizard program that helps you easily add video to your website or blog, in a few clicks without writing a single line of code....

270 15952K


Caterpillar - HTML Extractor

Caterpillar rapidly extracts all the text requiring translation from multiple web pages to a single output file - so you can process/translate the extracted text segments in any way you like using oth...

270 1309K
