
A wizard on your terminal...

Term::Screen::Wizard Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Hans Dijkema
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~oesterhol/

Term::Screen::Wizard Tags

Term::Screen::Wizard Description

A wizard on your terminal... Term::Screen::Wizard is a wizard on your terminal...SYNOPSIS use Term::Screen::Wizard; $scr = new Term::Screen::Wizard; $scr->clrscr(); $scr->add_screen( NAME => "PROCES", HEADER => "Give me the new process id", CANCEL => "Esc - Annuleren", NEXT => "Ctrl-Enter - Volgende", PREVIOUS => "F3 - Vorige", FINISH => "Ctrl-Enter - Klaar", PROMPTS => *" }, { KEY => "TYPE", PROMPT => "Intern or Extern Process (I/E)", CONVERT => "up", LEN=>1, ONLYVALID=>"*" }, { KEY => "OMSCHRIJVING", PROMPT => "Description of Proces", LEN=>75 }, { KEY => "PASSWORD", PROMPT => "Enter a password", LEN=>14, PASSWORD=>1 } ],# # OK This helptext is in Dutch, but it's clear how it works isn't it? # HELPTEXT => " ". " In dit scherm kan een nieuw proces Id worden opgevoerd ". " ". " ProcesId - is het ingevoerde Proces Id ". " Intern/Extern - is het proces belastingdienst intern of niet? ". " Omschrijving - Een korte omschrijving van het proces. " ); $scr->add_screen( NAME => "X.400",, HEADER => "Voer het X.400 adres in",## So the point is you can change the Wizard 'buttons'.# CANCEL => "Esc - Annuleren", NEXT => "Ctrl-Enter - Volgende", PREVIOUS => "F3 - Vorige", FINISH => "Ctrl-Enter - Klaar", PROMPTS => *" }, { KEY => "AMDM", PROMPT => "AMDM", LEN => 16, CONVERT => "up", ONLYVALID => "*" }, { KEY => "PRDM", PROMPT => "PRDM", LEN => 16, CONVERT => "up", ONLYVALID => "*" }, { KEY => "ORG", PROMPT => "ORGANISATION", LEN => 16, CONVERT => "up", ONLYVALID => "*" }, { KEY => "OU1", PROMPT => "UNIT1", LEN => 16, CONVERT => "up", ONLYVALID => "*" }, { KEY => "OU2", PROMPT => "UNIT2", LEN => 16, CONVERT => "up", ONLYVALID => "*" }, { KEY => "OU3", PROMPT => "UNIT3", LEN => 16, CONVERT => "up", ONLYVALID => "*" }, ], HELPTEXT => " ". " In dit scherm kan een standaard X.400 adres worden ingevoerd voor een ProcesId", ); $scr->add_screen( NAME => "GETALLEN",, HEADER => "Voer getallen in", CANCEL => "Esc - Annuleren", NEXT => "Ctrl-Enter - Volgende", PREVIOUS => "F3 - Vorige", FINISH => "Ctrl-Enter - Klaar", PROMPTS => *" }, { KEY => "ADOUBLE", PROMPT => "DOUBLE", LEN => 16, CONVERT => "up", ONLYVALID => "+(*)?" }, ], ); $scr->wizard(); $scr->wizard("PROCES","GETALLEN"); $scr->clrscr(); %values=$scr->get_keys(); @array=( "PROCES", "X.400", "GETALLEN" ); for $i (@array) { print " $i "; for $key (keys % { $values{$i} }) { my $val=$values{$i}{$key}; print " $key=$val "; } } %values=$scr->get_keys("X.400","PROCES"); exit;This is a module to have a Wizard on a Terminal. It inherits from Term::Screen::ReadLine. The module provides some functions to add screens. The result is a Hash with keys that have the (validated) values that the used inputted on the different screens. Requirements: · Perl

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