
Simple, quick Amazon AWS S3 interface

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Simple, quick Amazon AWS S3 interface simples3 is a fairly simple and decent quick interface to Amazon's S3 storage service.It grew out of frustration with other libraries that were either written too pragmatically (slow), too bloatedly, or just half-done.The module aims for:* simplicity,* decent speed,* non-intrusiveness.It really is designed to fit into programmer memory. The three basic operations are as easy as with dictionaries.Out of simplicity comes no dependencies - the code relies solely on Python standard libraries.The perhaps greatest setback is that it requires Python 2.5, or Python 2.6. No attempt to backport to Python 2.4 will ever be made, because: it's old.Usage:A Simple Amazon AWS S3 interfaceAnd it really is simple.Setup:>>> s = S3Bucket("mybucket",... access_key="ACESSS KEY",... secret_key="SECRET KEY")...>>> print s # doctest: +ELLIPSIS< S3Bucket ... at '' >or if you'd like to use virtual host S3:>>> s = S3Bucket("mybucket",... access_key="ACCESS KEY",... secret_key="SECRET KEY",... base_url="")>>> print s # doctest: +ELLIPSIS< S3Bucket ... at 'http...' >Note that missing slash above, it's important. Think of it as "The prefix to which all calls are made." Also the scheme can be https or regular http, or any other urllib2-compatible scheme (that is: you can register your own.)Now, let's start doing something useful. Start out by putting a simple file onto there:>>> s.put("my file", "my content")Alright, and fetch it back:>>> f = s.get("my file")>>>'my content'Nice and tidy, but what if we want to know more about our fetched file? Easy:>>> f.s3_info # doctest: +ELLIPSISdatetime.datetime(...)>>> f.s3_info'application/x-octet-stream'>>> f.s3_info.keys()>>> f.close()Note that the type was octet stream. That's simply because we didn't specify anything else. Do that using the mimetype keyword argument:>>> s.put("my new file!", "Improved content! Multiple lines!",... mimetype="text/plain")Let's be cool and use the very Pythonic API to do fetch:>>> f = s>>> print content!Multiple lines!>>> f.s3_info'text/plain'>>> f.close()Great job, huh. Now, let's delete it:>>> del sCould've used the delete method instead, but we didn't.If you just want to know about a key, ask and ye shall receive:>>> from pprint import pprint>>> s = S3File("Hi!", metadata={"hairdo": "Secret"})>>> pprint("test")) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS{'date': datetime.datetime(...), 'headers': {'content-length': '3', 'content-type': 'application/x-octet-stream', 'date': '...', 'etag': '"..."', 'last-modified': '...', 'server': 'AmazonS3', 'x-amz-id-2': '...', 'x-amz-meta-hairdo': 'Secret', 'x-amz-request-id': '...'}, 'metadata': {'hairdo': 'Secret'}, 'mimetype': 'application/x-octet-stream', 'modify': datetime.datetime(...), 'size': 3}Notable is that you got the metadata parsed out in the metadata key. You might also have noticed how the file was uploaded, using an S3File object like that. That's a nicer way to do it, in a way.The S3File simply takes its keyword arguments, and passes them on to put later. Other than that, it's a str subclass.And the last dict-like behavior is in tests:>>> "This is a testfile." in sTrue>>> del s>>> "This is a testfile." in sFalseYou can also set a canned ACL using put, which is too simple:>>> s.put("test/foo", "test", acl="public-read")>>> s.put("test/bar", "rawr", acl="public-read")Boom. What's more? Listing the bucket:>>> for (key, modify, etag, size) in s.listdir(prefix="test/"):... print "%r (%r) is size %r, modified %r" % (key, etag, size, modify)... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS'test/bar' ('"..."') is size 4, modified datetime.datetime(...)'test/foo' ('"..."') is size 4, modified datetime.datetime(...)That about sums it up. Requirements: · Python What's New in This Release: · Add S3-to-S3 copy method.

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