
To the extent that SOAP can be simple

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  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Publisher Name:
  • Anders Nor Berle
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SOAP::Simple Description

To the extent that SOAP can be simple Let's face it. SOAP is painfull. It's a dumb idea, the only reason you should ever consider using SOAP is if someone holds a gun to your head or pay you a lot of money for it.As anyone with experience in commercial software development knows, both of these situations will unfortunately occur rather frequent, so this module is an attempt to reduce the pain involved with simple use cases. It is not an attempt to cover every possible situation, but considering that the most trivial uses of SOAP in perl today involves goat sacrifice, I hope that it may help some people.SOAP::Simple is a Perl module, a wrapper around XML::Compile::SOAP which is a much more complete module, but has an API that can be difficult to use and not to mention integrate in other solutions. That being said; If this module does not suit your needs, I strongly recommend you have a look at XML::Compile::SOAP or SOAP::WSDL. Many SOAP services simply are buggy or incomplete. They will not work with this module no matter how hard you try because the WSDL is invalid in some way (It is remarkably easy to end up with a bad WSDL when trying to create a SOAP service. Java and .NET services tend to be especially nasty). To be able to work with these services, you need to hand code parts or even the complete interface, something which I intentionally do not want to support with this module. This module is aiming to be a simple module for simple cases where you can find a good WSDL file.SYNOPSIS my $soap = SOAP::Simple->new($wsdlfile); print Dumper($soap->myMethod(%args)); Requirements: · Perl

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