
Adjust proxied env to match client-facing

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Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxyPath Description

Use case: reverse proxying /sub/path/ to http://0:5000/other/path/. This middleware sits on the back-end and uses headers sent by the proxy to hide the proxy plumbing from the back-end app.Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy is a Perl module that does the host, port and scheme.Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxyPath adds handling of paths.The goal is to allow proxied back-end apps to reconstruct and use the client-facing url. ReverseProxy does most of the work and ReverseProxyPath does the paths. The inner app can simply use $req->base to redirect, set cookies and the like.I find the term reverse proxy leads to confusion, so I'll use front-end to refer to the reverse proxy (eg. squid) which the client hits first, and back-end to refer to the server that runs your PSGI application (eg. starman).Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxyPath adjusts SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO based on headers from a front-end so that it's inner app can pretend there is no proxy there. This is useful when you aren't proxying and entire server, but only a deeper path. In Apache terms: ProxyPass /mirror/foo/ http://localhost:5000/bar/It should be used with Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy which does equivalent adjustments to the scheme, host and port environment attributes.SYNOPSISGenerally you'll simple use the middle-ware: enable "ReverseProxy"; enable "ReverseProxyPath";Below is an elaborate example that includes both a dummy reverse proxy front-end and the back-end using ReverseProxyPath. Run with something like: PLACK_SERVER=Starman perl -x -Ilib ./lib/Plack/Middleware/ output below)#!perl -MPlack::Runner #line 85 sub mw(&); use Plack::Builder; # Configure your reverse proxy (perlbal, varnish, apache, squid) # to send X-Forwarded-Script-Name and X-Traversal-Path headers. # This example just uses Plack::App::Proxy to demonstrate: sub proxy_builder { require Plack::App::Proxy; # imagine this is https://somehost/fepath/from mount "http://localhost/fepath/from" => builder { enable mw { my ($app, $env) = @_; # Headers for ReverseProxyPath $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCRIPT_NAME'} = '/fepath/from'; $env->{'HTTP_X_TRAVERSAL_PATH'} = '/bepath/to'; # Headers for ReverseProxy (often already sent) $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'} = 'somehost'; # pretending.. $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'} = 443; die "Need MP" if !$env->{'psgi.multiprocess'} && !$env->{'psgi.multithread'}; $app->($env); }; Plack::App::Proxy->new( remote => 'http://0:5000/bepath/to' ) ->to_app; }; }; # In your Plack back-end my $app = builder { # /bepath/to/* is proxied (can also be accessed directly) mount "/bepath/to" => builder { # base adjustments: # 1) http://0:5000/bepath/to/x # ReverseProxy fixes scheme/host/port enable "ReverseProxy"; # 2) https://somehost/bepath/to/x # ReverseProxyPath uses new headers # fixes SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO enable "ReverseProxyPath"; # 3) https://somehost/fepath/from/x # $req->base + $req->path now is the client-facing url # so URLs, Set-Cookie, Location can work naively mount "/base" => \&echo_base; mount "/env" => \&echo_env; }; mount "/env" => \&echo_env; # proxy to myself to keep the synopsis short (needs >1 worker) proxy_builder(); }; # synopsis plumbing: sub echo_base { require Plack::Request; , ] } sub echo_env { my ($env) = @_; , ] } sub mw(&) { my $code = shift; sub { my $app = shift; sub { $code->($app, @_); } } }; Plack::Runner->new->run($app);__END__ # with ReverseProxyPath and ReverseProxy applied GET http://localhost:5000/fepath/from/base https://somehost/fepath/from/base # talking directly to the back-end GET http://localhost:5000/bepath/to/base http://localhost:5000/bepath/to/baseProduct's homepage

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